
Friday Favorites

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1.  HAPPY FRIDAY - Guys, I cannot tell you how long I've searched for this image. I think I first spotted this crazy zebra on Ruelala's Facebook page, but when googling a party zebra all that would ever result were zebra themed parties. Not the same thing. Needless to say, if this little diva doesn't bringhten your day, I don't know what can! // Happiness //

2. NARS - I recently found a NARS lip pencil I'd lost, and now I don't know how I was living without it! You all know, NARS is my go-to lip label, but this pencil is on a whole other level of awesome! The coverage lasts incredible long, which is huge in my book, and because of its glossy finish, you get the best of both wearing a lipstick and a gloss all in one! The pencil format is perfect for when you're on the go, and beacause it's not a "heavy" coverage it'll be perfect for spring & summer! Next on my shopping list, a coral shade & I'm thinking it's gonna be Happy Days...

3. ROASTED CHICKPEAS - This is my new obsession! The only downside? I can eat my way through two cans of chickpeas in no time! Hard to realize how much your actually eating when the roasting process shrinks the chickpeas & they taste amazing! The perfect salty cruch you've been craving, plus a dose of spice- if you're into it. Did I mention how easy these are to make? All you need is 2 cans of chickpeas ($2), a little bit of olive oil (I never measure), spices to taste, and lime juice! Sarah's recipe is much more descriptive, but I've been experimenting with my own little recipes and you simply can't go wrong. Foolproof cooking- always my favorite!

4.  REFLECTIONS - On Tuesday evening I came down with a cold, and I'm convinced that being sick is God's way of telling us to be still. Not kidding, I spent most of Wednesday confined to my bed, and while much of it was spent sleeping, I did get to do some reflecting. If you know me (or my Pinterest), you know I'm a sucker for a good quote- always have been, always will be! Words matter, and statement well spoken is worth noting. My friend, Kathryn is an extremely talented graphic designer, and one of the sweetest, thoughtful, & most creative people I know. Kathryn is constantly encouraging me through her Instagram & I'm not even sure she realizes it (trust me, this is one you should follow). If there's one thing I've learned through "style blogging" it's that you have to have your head on straight, and you have to be confident of your identity. This quote reminds me why this is so important.

5.  WANDERLUST - Serious wanderlust going on in my head lately, but what surprised me is where it all led. With this extended winter in Chicago, I would never guess that I'd be itching for a trip back home, but after some lengthy Pinterest wandering all I want is a good hike and camping trip; throw in some fishing and a good fire & I'm perfectly content! Trust me, this is not where I thought this wanderlust would lead, and I won't be following through until we're well into summer, but I am definitely looking forward to a trip back home and getting to show you just how beautiful Alaska is!

That's all in this week's recap, hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!


INSPO // Muted Palette

Muted Palette | Industrial Chic | Drive German / Wear Italian | Loft | Breakfast in Bed | Olsen | Studio/Office | Barre | Ring Bling | Toasted Marshmellow | SXSW

At home, the decor is minimal & muted, no unecessary fluff, just keeping it simple.

I think a home can be a good indicator of one's style. We live in a loft, concrete floors, wood beams, and brick walls. Our decor is industrial, and our color palette is minimal to none. I think our grey/blue headboard is as vibrant as our color hue gets, and I'm ok with that.

The hubs loves woodworking, so our furniture incoorporates a lot of repurposed wood and steel, we love linen & texture.

To some this might feel cold and lifeless, but to me it's refreshing, relaxing, and cozy.

When collecting inspirations I've noticed that my favorite images resemble those same tendencies displayed at home. As a former photographer, I'm naturally drawn towards strong images, and ironically the more muted images speak loudest to my personal taste.

Above are my current favorites, and I hope they're as inspiring to you and your work, as they are to me :)

// For more of my favorite Pinterest finds, follow along HERE //