Rule Breaker

Rule Breaker - Glitterary
Rule Breaker - Glitterary

Cape | Shirt | Pants - Similar | Hat | Booties | Watch | Bracelet 1, 2, 3 | Necklace & Rings c/o Boutique Minimaliste | Bag | Aviators

Let's just say, I don't like choosing between one option or another– I very much like having my cake and eating it too...

That being said, I've never cared much for abiding to fashion rules. For starters, I've always loved mixing black & brown & any chance I can mix silver with gold is a double win!

Trust me, I know it's unconventional and contradicts all the style etiquette mom tried to pass down, but if there's ever been a place to break the rules, I'd say it's here & now!...

Love you mom :)

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